Real Estate

How to Get a Real Estate License in California 2024

It’s critical to keep up with the most recent advancements in the real estate industry if you intend to pursue a career in the field. The implementation of Senate Bill 1495 (SB 1495), which the Governor signed into law in September 2022, is one big change that’s coming up.

All candidates for the salesperson or broker examination starting on January 1, 2024, will need to finish an updated Real Estate Practise course. This updated California real estate license course online will cover two important topics: fair housing laws and implicit bias. We’ll explain the new requirements to get a real estate license in California, their objectives, the people who will be impacted, and how you can get ready for these changes in this post.

Comprehending the New Demands

Two crucial elements are included in the revised course requirements, which are applicable to all applications that the Department of Real Estate (DRE) receives on or after January 1, 2024:

Implicit Bias: Informing customers about the effects of systemic, implicit, and explicit bias

examination of the societal and historical effects of biases

Practical methods for identifying and addressing one’s own implicit biases

Fair Housing Laws: Using state and federal fair housing laws in real estate transactions

Participatory and interactive components, such as role-playing as customers and real estate agents.

Purpose of the New Demands

These revised course requirements aim to do the following main things:

Make sure real estate agents are aware of how consumers are impacted by implicit, explicit, and systemic bias.

Raising awareness of bias’s historical and societal effects

Make sure real estate agents abide by state and federal fair housing laws, which forbid discrimination on the basis of national origin, race, colour, religion, sex, familial status, and disability.

Whom will the New Requirements Affect?

The following people will be impacted by the new regulations:

  • Send in an application that the DRE receives by January 1, 2024, at the latest.
  • Try to sit for the salesperson or California real estate exam prep.
  • Over the California real estate license course online of the upcoming year, the DRE will work with real estate schools to make sure the updated courses comply with legal requirements.

How to get ready for the new requirements: what actions to do

In order to get ready for these new demands, think about taking these actions:

  • Select a real estate school that offers updated course material and is up to date on the most recent requirements, such as the Real Estate School at Chamberlin.
  • Through industry blogs, newsletters, and networking with other real estate professionals, stay up to date on changes in the field.
  • Take advantage of professional development opportunities to deepen your understanding of fair housing laws and implicit bias, such as workshops and seminars.

Real estate professionals will be better able to assist their clients if they have an understanding of the historical and social ramifications of implicit, explicit, and systemic biases as well as how they affect consumers. In addition, the fair housing component will guarantee that real estate agents abide by state and federal fair housing regulations, encouraging a more equitable sector of the economy.

You can position yourself for a lucrative and satisfying career in real estate by keeping up with the latest requirements and selecting a real estate school that is up to date on them.

You must first meet the requirements and pass a written test in order to become licensed as a real estate salesperson. Upon passing the test, candidates are given a license application, which they must submit to the DRE for approval.

Those who, while working under the supervision of a licensed broker, engage in licensed real estate activities as defined by the Real Estate Law must possess this license. A license can also be obtained by someone who does not plan to work as a broker right away. Nonetheless, a salesperson cannot carry out actions necessitating a real estate license in the absence of a responsible broker.

Overarching Requirements

  • Age: In order to receive a license, you must be at least 18 years old.
  • Residence: Refer to Out-of-State Applicants if you do not reside in California.
  • Honesty: Candidates must be truthful and sincere. Licenses may be denied to those who have been convicted of crimes.

COURSE Prerequisites

It takes three college-level courses to be eligible for the real estate salesperson exam:

  • Principles of Real Estate
  • Practise of Real Estate
  1. Property Management and Appraisal of Real Estate 
  2. Finance for Real Estate
  3. Real Estate Economics, Business Law, General Accounting, Real Estate Office Administration, and Legal Aspects of Real Estate Escrows
  4. Computer Applications for Real Estate Mortgage Loan Brokering and Lending Common Interest Developments

In California, you can work as a real estate agent without a college degree. It’s actually possible to finish the licensing procedure in a few months. Learn how to become a real estate agent in California by continuing to read. In less than a year, you might be assisting clients in the purchase and sale of real estate in Pasadena or San Francisco!

Do you mean eighteen? Do you possess an ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number) or Social Security number? Can a background check find you? If so, you can begin the application process right now to become a real estate agent in California.

Five Easy Steps to Become a Real Estate Agent in California

To obtain a California real estate agent license, you have to finish the required coursework, pass a background investigation and California real estate exam prep, and submit an application. We are here to assist you, so don’t worry about the procedure!

In California, how long does it take to become a real estate agent?

In California, becoming a real estate agent takes around four months. Remember that different people may require varying amounts of time to finish the prerequisite courses and get ready for the licensing examination.

You must start now if your goal is to be showing homes by the conclusion of the upcoming season!

Step 1: Sign up for a real estate license course in California.

Before taking the real estate licensing California real estate exam prep, prospective agents must complete 135 hours of coursework, according to the California Department of Real Estate.

Serious subjects including escrows, mortgage loan brokering and lending, and the legal ramifications of real estate are covered in the pre-licensing course.

To pass the licensing exam and support your future clients in their real estate transactions, you must be knowledgeable on these subjects.

California offers real estate courses both in person and online. The majority of students enroll in courses online because it gives them greater flexibility than in-person instruction and enables them to quickly review content as needed.

Examine sample lessons from the school’s materials to get a sense of the way the material is delivered as you investigate online real estate programmes in California. Examine online school reviews and search for pre-licensing packages that include study guides.

Step 2: Register to get a real estate license in California exam and license.

After finishing your coursework, go to the California Department of Real Estate eLicensing System to start the application process.

Your address, driver’s license number, and Social Security number (or ITIN) will be required.

Copies of your official transcripts attesting to your passing your prerequisite California real estate license course online will be required. For your background check, you also need to fill out a Live Scan Service Request (RE 237) form.

Your exam application must be submitted for a fee of $60. (Note: At this point, some people pay $305 to cover the exam and license fee.)

You will be notified of the exam’s date, time, and location once your application has been processed. 

The following metropolises in California are home to real estate exam locations: LaPalma, Fresno, Oakland, Sacramento, and San Diego.

Step 3: Sit for and pass the licensing exam for real estate sales agents.

Examine your course materials and complete practice exams in order to prepare for the California real estate sales agent exam. Test-prep materials are included in certain real estate pre-licensing packages. 

On the day of the test, show up at the testing location with a valid form of identification 30 minutes before the exam begins.

Examine the instructions for taking the test. (Purses, wallets, and cell phones are not permitted in the testing area!)

The multiple-choice exam will take three hours to complete, and you will find out your score right away.

Step 4: Acquire a brokerage license in California.

Real estate salespeople in the State of California are required to work under a broker. A real estate agent who has passed the California broker’s licence exam and has a track record of success in the business is called a broker.

It’s important to note that some people jump right into their real estate careers, working nonstop to expand their clientele. Some have another source of income while learning the ins and outs of real estate, so they work part-time in the industry.

Step 5: Fill out the license application and have your fingerprints taken.

You need to fill out the California Licence Application Form and pay the $245 now if you failed to pay the licence application fee in step two. 

For an additional $49., you will also need to visit a Live Scan fingerprint service provider to complete your background check.

After that, you have to wait for your license application to be processed by the California Department of Real Estate. You’ll be getting your first commission cheque soon enough!

The real estate sector is driving substantial modernization and change. There are just four months left in 2023, so 2024 will either be auspicious or ominous.

Nothing is certain, that much is true, but we can anticipate the emergence of new trends and opportunities. Real estate professionals need to plan early on how they will address and overcome the disruptions as well as seize the opportunities that will shape the upcoming year.

Get Real estate license in California

Primary difficulties facing real estate brokers in 2024 

1. Technological Progress

New trends emerge annually, and technology continues to progress. This development does not exempt the real estate market.

These developments have forced real estate brokers to adopt social media marketing and artificial intelligence with machine learning, which have already revolutionised the business world. Navigating a foreign field can be difficult, particularly if you are not a tech-savvy realtor.

2. Enhanced Rivalry

The real estate market is definitely becoming more and more crowded as new companies are entering the market every day. This implies more competition and greater challenges when it comes to real estate sales.

It is more difficult for agents and agencies to establish their identity and set themselves apart from the competition because there are far too many realtors in the market.

It gets harder for realtors to generate leads, draw clients, and close deals as the market gets more crowded. 

3. Shifting the Way Consumers Act

As time goes on, customers’ attitudes also shift. Realtors may find this concerning because their target market’s preferences must be taken into account when developing their business plan.

The economy, the consumer’s social and cultural values, and their generation all have an impact on their purchasing decisions. 

In the real estate sector, millennials and Gen Z are regarded as the most significant target demographics. 

It is anticipated that there will be a generational shift in home buying, with millennials starting to buy residential real estate. Nearly all of Gen Z places a high value on home ownership, according to research.

For real estate agents, the shift in consumer behaviour will present a challenge. They need to be flexible enough to adjust to the varying viewpoints of their intended clientele.

4. Shifting Financial Patterns

The state of the real estate market is impacted by the state of the economy. In 2024, the unexpected state of the economy will make it challenging for realtors to close deals and produce leads.

Realtors need to have plans in place for responding to changes in inflation, unemployment, and interest rates.

5. Keeping a Healthy Work-Life Balance

In the real estate sector, there can be an extreme amount of demand. For many realtors, burnout is a result of their workload.

An individual must manage the demands of their career and their personal lives separately, just like in any other job. Realtors who forgo important personal time in order to concentrate on acquiring more clients face this conundrum.

Entrepreneurs need to have a forward-thinking mindset in order to be ready for whatever obstacles may arise. Plan early and be prepared to take action in 2024 to achieve success!

Final Words

Now you understand how to get a real estate license in California. Professionals in the real estate business need to be up to date on the most recent developments because the sector is always changing. All candidates for the salesperson or California real estate exam prep will need to finish an updated California real estate license course online. This will include new material on implicit bias and fair housing laws, starting in January 2024, as a result of SB 1495’s implementation.